Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form
U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Additional Child Tax Credit for
Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico)
Section references are to the Internal Revenue
Maximum income subject to social se-
Refunds for returns that claim the
Code unless otherwise noted.
curity tax for 2017. For 2017, the
ACTC. Refunds for returns claiming the
General Instructions
maximum amount of self-employment
ACTC, will not be issued before February
income subject to social security is
15, 2018. This delay applies to the entire
refund, not just the portion associated with
Future Developments
the ACTC. For more information, see
Optional methods to figure net earn-
For the latest information about
ings. For 2017, the maximum income for
developments related to Form 1040-SS
using the optional methods is $5,200.
Electronic filing. You can e-file Form
and its instructions, such as legislation
1040-SS. For general information about
enacted after they were published, go to
electronic filing, visit
Direct Pay. The best way to pay your
Additional Medicare Tax. You may be
What's New
taxes is with IRS Direct Pay. It's the safe,
required to pay Additional Medicare Tax.
easy, and free way to pay from your
See the instructions for Part I,
5, for
Additional child tax credit. Disaster tax
checking or savings account in one online
more information. Also, you may need to
relief was enacted for those impacted by
session. Go to
IRS Direct Pay
on IRS.gov.
report Additional Medicare Tax withheld
Hurricane Harvey, Irma, or Maria,
by your employer. See the instructions for
Purpose of Form
including provisions that may allow bona
Part I,
11, for more information.
fide residents of Puerto Rico to calculate
This form is for residents of the U.S. Virgin
Maximum income subject to social se-
their additional child tax credit differently.
Islands (USVI), Guam, American Samoa,
curity tax for 2018. For 2018, the
See the instructions for Part II, later.
the Commonwealth of the Northern
maximum amount of self-employment
Mariana Islands (CNMI), and the
Days of presence. Due to Hurricane
income subject to social security is
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Puerto
Irma and Hurricane Maria, the 14-day
Rico) who are not required to file a U.S.
period of absence resulting from a major
Due date of return. File Form 1040-SS
income tax return but who have
disaster, which does not count against
by April 17, 2018. The due date is April 17,
self-employment income or are eligible to
your days of presence outside a relevant
instead of April 15, because April 15 is on
claim certain credits. Residents of Puerto
U.S. territory, has been extended to 117
a Sunday, and April 16 is the
Rico may file Form 1040-PR in place of
days. For more information see
Emancipation Day holiday in the District of
Form 1040-SS.
Additional disaster tax relief provi-
One purpose of the form is to report net
Estimated tax payments. If you expect
sions. See Publication 976, Disaster
earnings from self-employment to the
to owe self-employment (SE) tax of $1,000
Relief, for information about other disaster
United States and, if necessary, pay SE
or more for 2018, you may need to make
tax relief provisions that are not covered in
tax on that income. The Social Security
estimated tax payments. Use Form
these instructions. Also go to
Administration (SSA) uses this information
1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals, to
to figure your benefits under the social
figure your required payments and for the
security program. SE tax applies no matter
Repayment of excess advance pay-
vouchers to send with your payments.
how old you are and even if you already
ments of the health coverage tax cred-
are receiving social security or Medicare
Individual taxpayer identification num-
it. If you received the benefit of advance
ber (ITIN) renewal. You may need to
payments of the health coverage tax
renew your ITIN. For more information,
credit, you must file Form 8885, Health
See Who Must File below for additional
see the Instructions for Form W-7,
Coverage Tax Credit, with your tax return
uses of this form.
Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer
and may be required to report advance
Identification Number.
payments for months you were not eligible
You may also be required to file an
as an additional amount of tax. For more
income tax return with the government of
Additional child tax credit (ACTC). You
information see the instructions for Part I,
Guam, American Samoa, the USVI, the
must have a social security number (SSN)
CNMI, or Puerto Rico. Check with your
or an ITIN, and your qualifying child must
local tax office for more details.
have an SSN, an adoption taxpayer
Access your online account. To
identification number (ATIN), or an ITIN,
securely log in to your federal tax account
Who Must File
by the due date of your return (including
go to IRS.gov/account. You must
extensions), or you can't claim the
You must file Form 1040-SS if you meet all
authenticate your identity. View the
additional child tax credit on either your
three requirements below.
amount you owe, review 18 months of
original or an amended tax return. See
payment history, access online payment
1. You, or your spouse if filing a joint
Identification requirements
under Part II--
options, and create or modify an online
return, had net earnings from
Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico
payment agreement. You can also access
self-employment (from other than church
Claiming Additional Child Tax Credit, later.
your tax records online.
employee income) of $400 or more (or you
Jan 24, 2018
Cat. No. 26341Y