Property Tax Payment Agreement Request - New York City Department Of Finance Page 2


Property Tax Payment Agreement Request
Page 2
I agree to make the down payment, if I have elected to make a down payment, and/or first quarterly payment scheduled, as indi-
cated by the Department’s representative. All payments must be made payable to the New York City Department of Finance start-
ing with the next quarterly payment. Failure to make the quarterly payment will prevent the Payment Agreement (also known as
an Installment Agreement) from being listed as “activated” in the Department’s records and subject you to any and all collection
actions, including lien sales. Payment should be made online at or mailed to 59 Maiden Lane, Payment Op-
erations, 19th Floor, New York, NY, 10038, or brought into one of the Department of Finance’s Business Centers.
I agree to pay the Agreement amount in quarterly or monthly installments as indicated in the Payment Agreement. A portion of
each installment payment will be applied to interest, which is compounded daily and continues to accrue on any unpaid balance.
Interest rates may change periodically as required by law. There may be a balance due at the end of the Payment Agreement
term. This balance due amount may be paid in additional installments if the balance due is greater than the original installment.
There will be no penalty for prepaid installments.
I also agree and acknowledge that, in addition to the Payment Agreement amount, I will pay all current taxes, assessments
and/or other related charges as they become due, or by the last day to pay before interest begins to accrue. If I fail to do so for
a period of six months, the Agreement will be in default, and Finance may cancel this Payment Agreement if the default is not
cured by the date of the next tax lien sale. If the Agreement is canceled, all payments made shall then remain credited to the ac-
count of the property, and the City may immediately sell the right to collect the unpaid balances remaining open on the Agree-
ment in a future tax lien sale.
I also understand that if I do not make payments required by the agreement for a period of six months, I will be in default of the
agreement, and if I do not bring all payments required by the agreement, including interest, up to date prior to the date of the next
tax lien sale, I will not be eligible to enter into another payment agreement for this property for five (5) years.
If you default on your existing payment agreement, you may be eligible to enter into a new agreement sooner than five years upon
demonstrating extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances include:
“Extenuating circumstances” that allow you to enter into another payment agreement after you have defaulted are limited to the
following four categories:
The death of the signatory, of any person named on the property deed, or of a contributing household member;
A loss of income to the signatory, to any person named on the property deed, or to a contributing household member due to
an involuntary absence from the property for a consecutive period of six months or more for treatment of an illness, for mili-
tary service, or under court order;
A loss of income to the signatory, to any person named on the property deed, or to a contributing household member due to
unemployment for any consecutive period of six months or more.
You are enrolled and up-to-date with payments in the NYC Department of Environmental Protection’s Water Debt Assistance Program.
A finding of extenuating circumstances may require documentation to support it.
The Federal Privacy ACT of 1974 requires us to state the following if we ask for your Social Security Number:
You must list your Taxpayer Identification Number, Social Security Number or Employee Identification Number in order to enter
into a Payment Agreement. We ask for this information in order to make sure that our Property Tax records are accurate and
that you have paid all the City taxes that you owe.
Our legal right to require this information is contained in the section 11-102.1 of the Administrative Code. This section of law
authorizes the Department of Finance to require any person to provide a Taxpayer Identification Number so that we may ad-
minister and collect taxes.
$ ____________________________________________________
Quarterly or Monthly Payment
Due Date
Date Reviewed ______________________
q Approved
q Denied
Reviewed by: __________________________________________________
Case #_____________________________
Amount Due: $ ________________________ Payment: $ ______________________ Due Date: ___________________
Receipt #: __________________________


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