Departmental Use Only
DR 1079 (08/27/13)
Denver, CO 80261-0005
2014 Payment of Withholding Tax
on Certain Colorado Real Property
Interest Transfers
Photocopy for your records.
Transferor is (check one): (0010) Individual
(0020) Corporation
(0030) Estate or Trust
(0040) Partnerships
Last Name of Transferor or Transferor's Business Name
First Name
Middle Initial
Colorado Account Number
Last Name of Spouse's Name (If Applicable) or Fiduciary
First Name
Middle Initial
Amount of Payment
The State may convert your check to a one time electronic banking transaction. Your bank account may be debited as early as the same day
received by the State. If converted, your check will not be returned. If your check is rejected due to insufficient or uncollected funds, the Department
of Revenue may collect the payment amount directly from your bank account electronically.
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Use DR 1079 to remit Colorado tax withheld on transfers of
This will help maintain accuracy in your tax account. Write
real property interests. The determination of the amount to
the Social Security number or Colorado Account Number
be withheld, if any, will be made on DR 1083.
and the transferor's name on the check.
The amount of the withholding tax remitted will be credited
For Privacy Act Notice, see publication FYI General 2.
to the Colorado income tax account of the transferor as an
Send with check or money order payable to the Colorado
estimated payment. The transferor must claim credit for
Department of Revenue, Denver, Colorado 80261-0005.
the payment on the Colorado income tax return. For this
Write the transferor's Social Security number or Colorado
reason it is extremely important that a separate DR 1079
is completed for each transferor who will be required to file
Account Number and “2014 DR 1079” on your check or
money order.
a Colorado income tax return, and that the correct Social
Security number (for individuals) or Colorado Account
Do not send cash.
Number (for other business entities) is listed on each form.
Enclose, but do not staple or attach, your payment with this
Send the DR 1079, remittance for the tax withheld and the
voucher. File only if you are making a payment.
DR 1083 to the Colorado Department of Revenue, Denver,
CO 80261-0005, within 30 days of the date of closing.
Mail to and make checks payable to:
Be sure to round your payment to the nearest dollar. The
Colorado Department of Revenue
amount on the check and the amount entered on the
Denver CO 80261-0005
payment voucher must be the same.