Best-Ever Thick And Chewy Chocolate Chunk Cookies (1190l) - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet


Vale Middle School Reading Article
Best-Ever Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chunk Cookies (1190L)
Read the following article carefully and make notes in the margin as you read.
Your notes should include:
o Comments that show that you understand the article. (A summary or statement of the main
idea of important sections may serve this purpose.)
o Questions you have that show what you are wondering about as you read.
o Notes that differentiate between fact and opinion.
o Observations about how the writer’s strategies (organization, word choice, perspective,
support) and choices affect the article.
Your margin notes are part of your score for this assessment.
Answer the questions carefully in complete sentences unless otherwise instructed.
Student ____________________________Class Period__________________
Best-Ever Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Notes on my thoughts,
reactions and questions as I
By mid-afternoon, the line at Culture Espresso stretches out the door and onto
the sidewalk. Once inside, Midtown New York City office workers are handed
white paper cups with artful foam and, if they are smart, a chocolate chunk
cookie as big as a basketball player's palm, still warm from the oven.
"Nothing really beats a good chocolate chip cookie," owner Jody LoCascio says,
echoing our cookie-crazy thoughts exactly. "We have a full-time cookie guy," he
adds, an oddity for a small coffee shop that focuses on expertly brewed espresso
drinks and coffees. "We do over 100 a day."
The cookie is golden crisp at the edges, an inch-thick, and soft--blissfully almost
undercooked--with melty, dark chocolate chunks inside. I've eaten a lot of
chocolate chip cookies in my day, but this one balances near the top of the heap.
The cookie's been a customer favorite since Culture first opened and a Culinary
Institute of America-trained pastry chef created a menu of treats. Back then, "a
basic little home mixer from Macy's" could keep up with demand, said
LoCascio. The coffee shop has since upgraded to an industrial-sized mixer made
for large-scale batches to keep up with demand. "We just kinda hit it," he says.
"It's taken off."
Three little tweaks take this chocolate chunk cookie recipe from simply delicious
McColl, S. Shine Food. Best-ever thick and chewy chocolate chunk cookies. September 14, 2012.


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