Pablo Public Administration
123 Employment Avenue, Kutztown, PA 19530, 555‐555‐5555
Full‐time public administration position with a focus on local government.
Excellent leadership and decision making skills
Experience working with diverse populations
Strong oral and written communication skills
Pro icient in SPSS, Microsoft Of ice & Linux
B.S. Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Kutztown, PA
Major: Public Administration
May 20xx
Minor: Multicultural Studies
GPA: 3.88
Dean’s List Fall 20xx, Fall 20xxSpring 20xx
Related Courses: Empirical Political Analysis, Planning and Decision Making, Public Budgeting and Fiscal
Management, Human Resource Management, Public Policy Making
Borough of Kutztown Kutztown, PA
Fall 20xx‐Present
Assist Borough Manager with budget preparation and reconciliation
Develop a Borough Traf ic Improvement Plan in coordination with University and city of icials
Work with Public Works Department to create and promote Electronic Recycling Days
Attend bi‐weekly council meetings
Delaware Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Easton, PA
Spring 20xx
Developed a public wellness program incorporating use of local trails
Assisted in preservation and upkeep of trails
Researched educational and legal documents pertaining to public health and wellness
Recorded notes during commission meetings focused on strategic planning efforts
Observed preservation process of D&L Trail and canal system
Attended public meeting dedicated to community revitalization and historic preservation
Presidential Ambassador, Kutztown University
Fall 20xx‐Present
Work directly with President’s Of ice to promote student‐alumni connection events such as
career networking nights, homecoming festivities, and alumni dinners
Member, Kutztown University Student Government Board Spring 20xx‐Present
Member, Kutztown University Social Welfare Club
Fall 20xx‐Present
Volunteer, KuBok, Kutztown Neighborhood Watch Program
Fall 20xx‐Present
Patrol campus and community to ensure safety of students and citizens
Recipient, Career Success Certi icate, Kutztown University Career Development Center Spring 20xx
Recipient, Career Exploration Certi icate, Kutztown University Career Development Center Fall 20xx
Kutztown University Health & Wellness Center
Kutztown, PA
Desk Receptionist
Fall 20xx‐Present
Schedule appointments, manage waiting room, record and ile con idential information