Resume Sample
Forma ng Tips:
Anita Jobb
Emphasize your name
123 Main Street
610 123‐1234
Set margins to 1/2”‐1”
Coopersburg, PA 18036
Use 12 –14 point font for
Objec ve
An internship in the field of human services; special interest in working with at‐risk teens
Use 10‐12 point font for
Qualifica ons
body text
Fluent Spanish Experience working with diverse popula ons
Well organized and dependable Excellent interpersonal skills
Use 4‐6 strengths that
Educa on
B.S. Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Kutztown, PA
are RELEVANT to your
Major: Criminal Jus ce
May 20xx
objec ve and to your
Minor: Psychology
poten al employer.
GPA: 3.40
President’s Scholarship, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA
Girl Scouts Gold Award, Troop 123, Coopersburg, PA
Related Experience
Volunteer, KUBok Neighborhood Watch, Kutztown, PA
November 20xx‐Present
In conjunc on with Kutztown Borough residents and police, monitor streets
of Kutztown during peak social hours to keep students and residents safe.
Indent body text under the
Extern, Coopersburg Police Department, Coopersburg, PA
July 20xx
sec on headings. All body text
Observed daily du es of police officers during a ride‐along experience.
should align to one point of
Work Experience
indent. Do not create mul ple
Desk Recep onist, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA
January 20xx Present
Greet guests and residents, enforce visita on policy and check guest iden fica on.
points of indent as you would
Answer ques ons, perform administra ve and clerical tasks.
in an outline.
Head Life Guard, Hillcrest Swim Club, Center Valley, PA Summer 20xx
Life Guard
Summers 20xx and 20xx
Insured safety of patrons, enforced all rules and regula ons, coordinated
emergency procedures, provided first aid in emergency situa ons, maintained
posi ve rela onships and rapport with patrons, and performed general maintenance.
Campus Involvement
Criminal Jus ce Club January 20xx‐Present
Career Explora on Cer ficate, Career Development Center Spring 20xx
Berks Hall Council October 20xx‐Present
Women’s Lacrosse Club
September 20xx‐Present
Align non‐substan ve info such
as dates, ci es, and states on
the right margin.
Use ac on verbs (past tense for past ex‐
Indent body text under the
perience and present tense for current
sec on heading, all body text
experience) to describe your experience.
should align to one point of
FOCUS on those tasks that relate to your
career objec ve.
Do NOT include the names and contact informa on of your references on your resume.