Budget Planning Worksheet
Creating a financial plan before your trip will prepare you for spending money abroad and give you an idea of the total cost of your program.
LeadAbroad provides the following worksheet as a guideline for financial planning and may not be inclusive of all expenses abroad. Setting
clear expectations and understanding your personal spending habits will be crucial to financial planning.
Section 1: Program Fees & Tuition
Program Fee
Tuition (If applicable)
Add-On Fee (If applicable)
Section 1 total:
Section 2: Airfare
International flight
Enter your airfare here whether you booked with group or independently
Varies by location; $900-$1,700
Flight into group departure airport
If you’ve purchased a group flight ticket and have a separate itinerary to meet the group
Varies by location; $150-$300
Flight to Athens/Rome
LEAD & DIRECT Greece students only
Average cost: $120
Section 2 total:
Section 3: In-Country Expenses
Course materials
Textbooks, course packets, etc
Varies by program; $10- $75
Tour Pass
Applies only to students enrolled in certain classes in Rome & Barcelona
Average cost of tour pass: $50
Cell phone usage
Local SIM card, local rental or extra data from U.S. carrier
Recommended budget: $150
Local transportation
For independent outings not included in program (taxi, subway, etc)
Recommended budget: $200
For independent meals not included in program
Recommended budget: $40/day
Personal/weekend travel expenses
For GO students traveling outside program city on weekends
Recommended budget: $500/weekend
Other personal expenses
Laundry, souvenirs/gifts, sightseeing, adventure activities, etc)
Recommended budget: $100/week
Section 3 total:
Sum section 1-3 totals:
Estimated program cost