Test 6/7 Atomic Structure & Periodicity With Answers - Mrs. Georgia Rutschilling, Mount Notre Dame High School Page 5


17. See diagram on previous page. There are four different paths that an excited electron in the n = 4
level can use to decay to the ground state. (Each “decay path” can consist of one or more de-
excitation steps.) Draw all four decay routes in the middle portion of the above energy-level
18. Suppose that an electron is in the n = 5 state of this atom.
(i). What is the minimum energy needed to ionize the electron? ____0.360_______eV
(ii).draw this ionization in the right-hand portion of the previous energy-level diagram.
Atomic and Ionic Radii
19. Atomic radius generally increases as we move
(A) down a group and from right to left across a period
(B) up a group and from left to right across a period
(C) down a group and from left to right across a period
(D) up a group and from right to left across a period
(E) down a group; the period position has no effect
20. Electrons in the 1s subshell are much closer to the nucleus in Ar than in He due to the larger
__________ in Ar.
(A) nuclear charge
(B) paramagnetism
(C) diamagnetism
(D) Hund's rule
(E) azimuthal quantum number
21. Of the following, which gives the correct order for atomic radius for Mg, Na, P, Si and Ar?
(A) Mg > Na > P > Si > Ar
(B) Ar > Si > P > Na > Mg
(C) Si > P > Ar > Na > Mg
(D) Ar > P > Si > Mg > Na
(E) Na > Mg > Si > P > Ar
22. Which of the following is expected to have the largest radius?
(D) Ar


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