agencies such as the Red Cross?
12. Was an Operational Area EOC activated?
13. Was Mutual Aid requested?
14. Was Mutual Aid received?
15. Was Mutual Aid coordinated from the
16. Was an inter-agency group established at
the EOC/DOC level? Were they involved with
the shift briefings?
17. Were communications established and
maintained between agencies?
18. Was the public alert and warning conducted
according to procedure?
19. Was public safety and disaster information
coordinated with the media through the JIC?
20. Were risk and safety concern addressed?
21. Did event use ESFs effectively and did ESF
have clear understanding of local capability?
22. Was communications inter-operability an
Additional Questions
20. What response actions were taken by your agency? Include such things as mutual
aid, number of personnel, equipment and other resources. Note: Provide statistics on
number of personnel and number/type of equipment used during this event. Describe
response activities in some detail.
21. As you responded, was there any part of SEMS/NIMS that did not work for your
agency? If so, how would (did) you change the system to meet your needs?
22. As a result of your response, did you identify changes needed in your plans or
procedures? Please provide a brief explanation.