Papa New Guinea Government
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Application For Approval Or Revision Of A
Minimum Equipment List
Instructions and advice for completing this Application Form
Refer to Advisory Circular AC 91-10 before completing this application.
Entries should be typed or printed in block letters. Full model and component designations are required (refer to the
manufacturer’s data plates).
Note: Applicants should clearly understand that unless all the entries on this form are completed accurately and
fully, the approval of the Minimum Equipment List may be delayed.
The charges associated with the approval of the Minimum Equipment List will be invoiced to the registered owner of
the aircraft described in Section 3.
Applications must be submitted to CASA not less then 28 days prior to the date required.
The completed Minimum Equipment List (MEL) form should be forwarded to:
This form will acco0mplished together with the Form CAA 91/01 Appendix 1
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
P O Box 1941
Papua New Guinea
Section A:
Aircraft Operator Details
Legal Name of Organisation:
Client ID (if known)
Postal Address of Organisation:
(Address for Service – Ref
Civil Aviation Act Section 48)
Person who can be contacted for further information concerning this application:
Section B:
MEL Details
Aircraft type and model to which the MEL applies:
MEL Name or Reference Number:
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Rev. 2: 15/07/13
(Ref: CAR 91.539(a))
CAA 91/01