Letter To Faculty And Staff Template


Maine Tobacco Free College Network
Letter to Faculty and Staff Template
Institution of Higher Education logo
In keeping with our mission to provide a healthy and safe environment for students, faculty, staff
and visitors, [INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION] will implement a comprehensive smoke and
tobacco-free policy for our campus(es), effective [DATE]. The 100 percent smoke and tobacco-
free policy will apply to all faculty, staff, students, visitors, vendors, and contractors. This means
as of [DATE] there will be no smoking or tobacco use of any kind, including electronic nicotine
delivery systems (such as e-cigarettes) allowed in any building, residence hall, parking
area/garage, college/university vehicle, on grounds, or in personal vehicles parked on campus
In an effort to achieve maximum compliance, students will be notified of the policy prior to arrival
via [LSIT METHODS- EMAIL, MAIL, TEXT, etc.]; information is on [LINK TO WEBPAGE] and signs will
be clearly displayed throughout campus. Student and staff education materials and services will
be made available through [LIST LOCATIONS, HEALTH CENTER, etc.] that offer tobacco cessation
support and treatment referrals beginning on [DATE]. University staff will also be making
attempts to reach out to parents whenever possible.
[INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION] is not asking students or employees to quit smoking or
using tobacco products, but we do require everyone to refrain from use while in campus
buildings and on campus property. Anyone who refuses to comply with the smoke and tobacco-
free policy will be subject to disciplinary procedures as stated in the [POLICY PROCEDURES &
As a reminder, this policy applies to not only students, but anyone who lives, works or visits
[INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION] campus property. It is critical that our faculty and staff
abide by the policy and serve as a role model for our students and visitors, as this is one of the
many ways to ensure the success of a smoke and tobacco-free campus. With your help, we can
ensure the achievement of our smoke and tobacco-free campus, a task we are taking very
According to the U.S. Surgeon General, there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke
and tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States. The
only way to prevent exposure to the deadly toxins in secondhand smoke is to prohibit tobacco
use on our campus. As an institution of higher education, it is our honor and obligation to provide
as healthy an atmosphere as possible for the students, faculty, staff and visitors that we welcome
We appreciate your support as we implement this policy. For more information about this new
initiative, feel free to contact my office at [INFO] or our website [LINK].
Letter to Faculty and Staff Template


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