Cover Letter Checklist Template


Cover Letter Checklist
Cover letter is error free (no grammar or spelling errors)
Cover letter is one page
Cover letter paper is standard size and either white, ivory, or light gray
Font size and type is appropriate
Cover letter is easy to read and the most important points stand out
Student’s contact information is complete
Employer’s contact information is complete (name, title, organization, address) and accurate
Greeting is appropriate and directed to one contact person in the organization
Cover letter does not use jargon, acronyms, or abbreviations that are likely to be unfamiliar to the
First paragraph includes:
Name of position for which the student is applying
Organization name
How the student found the position
Degree obtaining from The Ohio State University
Anticipated graduation date
Future career plans, if related to the position
Second paragraph includes:
Specific skills mentioned in the internship or job description
Where and how those skills were developed
How the student is a good fir to the organization based on its mission, goals, and current projects
Descriptions quantify results or give some idea of the impact, scope of responsibility, or level of
Descriptive words are used to avoid redundancy
Third paragraph includes:
Statement of interest in the position
Reference to the resume for additional information and qualifications
Contact information (phone number and email address)
Thank you statement
Closing is appropriate
Cover letter is signed in black or blue ink


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