Character Analysis Template


Authentic Task #6
Content Standard I. C. 1: Identify internal and external conflicts among characters in
a text
Content Standard I. C. 2: Analyze how characters respond to internal and external
conflicts in a text
Content Standard I. C. 3: Evaluate a character’s response to internal and external
conflicts in a text
Process Standard II. A. 1: Uses appropriate voice volume and articulation when
speaking in front of the class
Process Standard II. A. 2: Uses tone of voice and body language to convey emotion
when performing for the class
Process Standard II. C. 1: Contribute equally to small group discussions or
collaborative tasks
Task: For this task you will work with a partner and perform a dramatic reading of
approximately 15 lines of the argument between Brutus and Cassius in Act IV
scene 3. Before you perform for the class, it is important that you understand
the internal and external conflicts that the characters are experiencing. You
and your partner will examine Act IV scene 3 lines 1-187 together, paying
special attention to your segment. You will each complete the Conflict
Analysis Chart for your character for your segment of the scene. Then you
will practice reading your lines dramatically, conveying the emotion of the
scene. Finally, you will perform your segment for the class and share your
analysis of the characters and their conflicts with the class.
• Identifies internal and external conflicts in Brutus and Cassius
• Analyzes how the characters respond to the conflicts
• Evaluates each character’s response to the internal and external conflicts
• Speaks loud and clear in front of the class
• Uses emphasis and tone of voice to show the emotions of the character
• Uses body language and appropriate gestures to show the emotions of the
• Collaborates with a partner to complete Conflict Analysis Chart


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