Appendix C Sample Marketing Plan
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Sample Marketing Plan
This sample marketing plan
for a hypothetical company
Star Software, Inc.
illustrates how the marketing
Marketing Plan
planning process described in
Chapter 2 might be implement-
ed. If you are asked to create a
marketing plan, this model may
be a helpful guide, along with
Star Software, Inc., is a small, family-owned corporation in the first year of a transi-
the concepts in Chapter 2.
tion from first-generation to second-generation leadership. Star Software sells
custom-made calendar programs and related items to about 400 businesses, which
use the software mainly for promotion. Star’s 18 employees face scheduling chal-
The Executive Summary,
lenges, as Star’s business is highly seasonal, with its greatest demand during
one of the most frequently
October, November, and December. In other months, the equipment and staff are
read components of a marketing
sometimes idle. A major challenge facing Star Software is how to increase profits
plan, is a synopsis of the market-
and make better use of its resources during the off-season.
ing plan. Although it does not
An evaluation of the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses and external
provide detailed information, it
does present an overview of the
opportunities and threats served as the foundation for this strategic analysis and
plan so readers can identify key
marketing plan. The plan focuses on the company’s growth strategy, suggesting
issues pertaining to their roles in
ways in which it can build on existing customer relationships, and on the develop-
the planning and implementa-
ment of new products and/or services targeted to specific customer niches. Since
tion processes. Although this is
Star Software markets a product used primarily as a promotional tool by its clients,
the first section in a marketing
it currently is considered a business-to-business marketer.
plan, it is usually written last.
The Environmental Analysis
presents information
Founded as a commercial printing company, Star Software, Inc., has evolved into a
regarding the organization’s cur-
marketer of high-quality, custom-made calendar software and related business-to-
rent situation with respect to the
business specialty items. In the mid-1960s, Bob McLemore purchased the company
marketing environment, the cur-
and, through his full-time commitment, turned it into a very successful family-run
rent target market(s), and the
operation. In the near future, McLemore’s 37-year-old son, Jonathan, will take over
firm’s current marketing objec-
tives and performance.
as Star Software’s president and allow the elder McLemore to scale back his
A. The Marketing Environment
This section of the environ-
mental analysis considers
1. Competitive forces. The competition in the specialty advertising industry is very
relevant external environmental
strong on a local and regional basis but somewhat weak nationally. Sales fig-
forces such as competitive, eco-
ures for the industry as a whole are difficult to obtain since very little business
nomic, political, legal and regula-
is conducted on a national scale.
tory, technological, and sociocul-
tural forces.
The competition within the calendar industry is strong in the paper seg-
ment and weak in the software-based segment. Currently paper calendars hold a
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dominant market share of approximately 90 percent; however, the software-