Tahunanui Medical Centre - Complaint Form
Tahunanui Medical Centre takes complaints seriously and every complaint is seen as an opportunity to
look at how we do things and improve our services. Our aim is to achieve a mutually satisfactory conclusion
and, where appropriate, take action to ensure the situation does not arise again.
Date ________________
Details of the Person Making the Complaint
Address: __________________________________
Contact Telephone Numbers:
Home: ______________________
Work: ______________________
Mobile: ______________________
What happened?
1. What happened?
Describe the event that you want us to know about, please give all the details that you can remember
2. When and where did it happen?
Please state the date, time and location of the incident
3. Did anyone witness what happened?
Please give names and contact details if possible
Tahunanui Medical Centre – Complaint Form September 2012
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