The State College Area School District Board of School
Frequently Asked Questions
Directors has approved a supplemental property tax
rebate program for the 2015/16 fiscal year providing for
property tax rebates to senior citizens, widows,
What steps must be taken to apply for the rebate?
widowers and disabled persons who meet certain
income eligibility guidelines and who are homeowners.
1) Apply for the 2014 Pennsylvania Property Tax Rebate
using Form PA-1000 before June 30, 2015. Property Tax
Rebates up to $650 per single household are available and
Rebate claim forms are available online at
are based upon total income as listed on Form PA-1000
or by calling the department’s
for 2014.
information line at 1-888-222-9190.
2) Receive a rebate under the Pennsylvania Supplemental
Maximum Rebate
Property Tax program.
$0 to $8,000
3) Complete the State College Area School District
$8,001 to $15,000
Supplemental Property Tax Rebate Claim Form.
$15,001 to $18,000
$18,001 to $35,000
4) Submit your completed application to State College Area
School District, Supplemental Property Tax Program, 131 W.
Supplemental Property Tax Rebate
By implementing the rebate program, the board is
Nittany Ave., State College, PA 16801, with the following:
Claim Form
demonstrating a willingness to help the aforementioned
A copy of your completed PA-1000 form for 2014
individuals for the 2015-16 fiscal year.
Evidence of receipt of rebate from the Pennsylvania
• Complete the District Claim Form
Criteria which must be met to qualify for the rebate:
Property Tax Rebate Program for 2014
Claimant must be a homeowner. Renters are not eligible for
• Attach a copy of form PA-1000 for 2014
If I moved during the year will I still qualify for the
the program.
If you moved or had a change in your personal
• Attach proof of receipt of the State
status during the year, your rebate will be prorated.
Household income must not exceed $35,000 per year.
Property Tax Rebate
One half of your social security income is excluded from this
When can I submit my application?
Property owners may
• Copy of check received
submit applications any time from July 1, 2015 to
• Copy of bank statement
June 30, 2016.
Any of the following criteria must be met:
showing electronic deposit
Claimant or claimant’s spouse is 65 or older
Claimant is a widow or widower 50 and older
If I meet all of the specified criteria, am I guaranteed a
Claimant has disabilities and is 18 and older
Mail completed form and all
The State College Area School District has set aside
$200,000 for the program in the 2015-16 budget.
required documentation to:
Claimant must have been awarded and received a rebate
Applications will be processed on a first-come basis until
under the Pennsylvania Property Tax Rebate Program.
funds are expended.
State College Area School District
(Deadline to apply for this rebate is June 30, 2015.
Supplemental Property Tax Program
State checks will be issued after July 1, 2015.)
If I qualify for a rebate, how will the amount of my rebate
131 West Nittany Avenue
be determined?
The rebate will be based on your income
Real estate tax bills for 2014-15 (issued July 2014) must
State College, PA 16801
level as defined under the Pennsylvania Tax Rebate Program
have been paid by December 31, 2014.
and the amount of real estate taxes paid in the 2014-15 tax
year. The rebate will be the lesser of the maximum rebate in
Property must have received a homestead/farmstead
the chart provided or the State College Area School District
Please contact the State College Area
exclusion for the 2014-15 tax year.
real estate taxes paid, less any state rebates received. For
School District at 814-231-1021.
the current rebate year, the state mandated maximum tax
If you have questions related to the completion of the
relief is $1,379.
Pennsylvania Form PA-1000,
the Pennsylvania Department
of Revenue instructions for the PA-1000 lists various
When will I receive my rebate?
Rebates will be issued by
agencies to contact for assistance, including
check, and checks will be mailed monthly. Please allow up to
Pennsylvania Department of Revenue district offices.
six weeks for review and processing.