Fiscal Year 2015-2016
City of Chandler Community & Neighborhood Services Department
The City of Chandler Community & Neighborhood Services Department offers a goodwill scholarship program to
provide Chandler residents access to quality recreation and aquatics programs that they may not otherwise be
able to participate in without fee assistance. Please refer to the Break Time brochure for a complete class list and
general information. To apply for the goodwill scholarship program, please complete the fee assistance application
in its entirety and return it to the Chandler Community & Neighborhood Services Department along with your class
registration form and all required financial documentation.
Scholarship Guidelines:
Chandler residents only.
The fee assistance application is valid for the current fiscal year (July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016). Applicants must
re-apply every fiscal year to determine eligibility.
All required financial documentation, proof of residency (i.e. current utility/water bill, property tax statement), and
a completed class registration form must be turned in with the fee assistance application. After initial approval,
only a registration form is required for each class/program/activity stating the fee assistance application is
approved and on file.
Fee assistance is approved based on Maricopa County Annual Income Guidelines, and is not guaranteed.
Fee assistance will not exceed $150 per family, per fiscal year (July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016). Any balance
above the approved $150 must be paid in full at time of registration.
Separate registration forms must be completed and submitted for Recreation and Aquatics classes.
Fee assistance funds do not cover items such as: Red Cross fees, pool admission fees, supply fees, instructor
fees, adult sports fees, excursions, field trips, etc.
A maximum of two (2) fee assisted registrations will be approved for any class, camp or program.
Please allow at least 7-10 business days prior to the upcoming session registration period or class start date for
application processing.
Participants must follow the Recreation or Aquatic Division’s refund / cancellation policy. The Community &
Neighborhood Services Department reserves the right to revoke the goodwill scholarship/fee assistance for
participants who cancel classes excessively or fail to follow the refund/cancellation policy.
All requests for approvals, cancellations or transfers must be turned into the approving Coordinator.
All family members in the household must be noted on the application. Only dependents living in the household
that are listed on the application will be approved to use fee assistance funds.
Financial Documentation – two (2) of the following are required:
A copy of the most recent federal tax return, W-2(s) or 1099(s) for all members living in the household who
receive any form of income.
A copy of the two (2) most recent paycheck or unemployment check stubs for all household members who
receive any form of income.
Approval paperwork from the City of Chandler Housing Division.
A copy of the most recent Social Security or SSI Disability award letter for all household members who receive
this form of income.
SNAP verification, WIC assistance verification, or AHCCCS verification for all household members who receive
this assistance.
In order to be approved, your family must meet the following income guidelines according to the family
size living in the household :
Maricopa County
Return your completed application and required documents to:
Annual Income Guidelines
Family Size
Chandler Community & Neighborhood Services Department
P.O. Box 4008
Mail Stop 501 (Recreation) or Mail Stop 906 (Aquatics)
Chandler, AZ 85244
Drop off:
125 E. Commonwealth Ave. Chandler, AZ 85225
650 E. Ryan Rd. Chandler, AZ 85286
For further information call:
See reverse for Fee Assistance Application