Riding Liability Release Form Abernathy Farms Page 2


7. I also freely and voluntarily enter into the following Mediation and Arbitration Agreement
concerning any equine activity incidents relating to or allegedly involving Lisa or Leonard
Abernathy and/or their agents and employees.
Mediation with Arbitration if Necessary:
The parties shall endeavor to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this AGREEMENT
by mediation under the then current Mediation Rules and Procedures of the Equine Dispute
Resolution Service (EDRS). The parties agree to select a Mediator from the EDRS Panel of
Mediators. Any controversy or claim relating to this contract or breach, termination or validity
thereof, which remains unresolved for 45 days after the appointment of the EDRS Mediator,
shall be settled by arbitration by an EDRS appointed Arbitrator in accordance with the then
current EDRS Arbitration Rules and Procedures, and judgment upon the award rendered by the
EDRS Arbitrator may be entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof.
NOTICE: Wearing an ASTM/SEI approved hard hat is REQUIRED for anyone under the age
of 18 while riding or driving.
Person voluntarily entering into this Release and Hold Harmless Agreement, if minor, person
representing himself/herself to the lawful Guardian under this Release and Hold Harmless
Signature/Guardian Signature:
Date: _________________
Printed Name:
Printed Name of Minor (if applicable): ______________________________________________
Home Phone:


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