Tax Year 2014 Income Tax Organizer Template


Client ____
Salabsky Financial Services
Complete____ Partial____
Tax Year 2014 Income Tax Organizer for ______________________________ (Client name)
□ Appt □ Drop-off
□ New □ Existing Client
Please review and complete this document. This will enable us to prepare your return promptly and
efficiently. Then bring to your tax appointment or include with your drop-off package. Thank you.
Step 1: Filing Information
Filing Status: □ Single
□ Married Filing Jointly
□ Widow(er)
□ Head of Household
□ Married Filing Separately (Spouse Name:__________________ SSN:_________)
□ Moved in past year? when:____________ new address:________________________________
□ New dependent(s) for this year? NEW clients please provide all dependent information.
Soc. Sec. #
Date of Birth
Step 2: Income
(check the box □ ONLY if you received income from the following sources; enter # of forms received)
□ Wages – Self:_____ Spouse:_____ (enter # of W-2 forms received)
□ Interest and Dividend Income – Self:_____ Spouse:_____ (enter # of 1099-INT and/or 1099-DIV
forms from the financial institutions which you received interest/dividend income.)
□ Retirement Plan Distributions – Self:_____ Spouse:_____
(enter # of 1099-R forms received
for distributions from pensions, annuities, rollovers, IRA/401k plans, etc.)
□ Social Security/Railroad Benefits – Self:_____ Spouse:_____
(enter # of SSA-1099/RRB-1099
□ Partnerships, Estates, Trust or S-Corporations – Self:_____ Spouse:_____ (enter # of
Schedules K-1 received for tax year.)
□ Other Income – Self:____ Spouse:___ enter # of all Forms 1099-C, 1099-A, 1099-G, 1099-MISC)
□ Cancellation of debt
□ State/Local Income Tax Refund
□ Alimony
□ Unemployment Compensation □ Gambling/Lottery Winnings
□ Other_________
Step 3: Sale of Stock or Other Securities, Real Estate, etc.
□ Yes □ No
For the sales of stock, mutual funds, real estate or other property, provide Forms 1099-B,
1099-S, settlement statement/HUD-1 and/or other supporting information (cost basis/acquisition price).
Step 4: Itemized Deductions?
□ Yes □ No □ Not Sure
**For 2014, deductions must exceed the standard deduction amounts of:
$6,200 for singles and married individuals filing separately, $12,400 for married individuals filing jointly and $9,100
for head of household.
Medical Expenses (Must exceed 10.0% of AGI (unless 65 or older-7.5%) to be a benefit; include cost for
dependents; do not include expenses that were reimbursed by insurance)
Insurance Premiums $_______
Doctor/Dentist/Hospital/Surgery Expenses $_________
Prescriptions $_______
Vision Expenses $_______
Other $_______
Medical miles: _______
Taxes Paid
Real Estate Taxes – Residence: $_______
Land/Other: $_______


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