Wells Fargo - Flexible Benefits Plan Election Form / Salary Reduction Agreement


City of Petaluma
Flexible Benefits Plan Election Form / Salary Reduction Agreement
Plan Year: January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010
Benefit Effective Date:
(HR/Payroll use ONLY)
Employee Name:
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
E-mail address:
Spouse Name:
Dependent Name(s):
A Flexible Benefits Plan allows you, the employee, to pay for the benefits you choose through a salary reduction agreement using
pre-tax dollars. You
may decline to participate in the Flexible Benefits Plan. However, unless you indicate otherwise, your payments for certain benefits will be made before
Federal, State and Social Security Taxes. This enrollment form also provides you with the opportunity to establish a Dependent Care Assistance Program
(DCAP) and/or a Health Flexible Spending Account (Health FSA) with pre-tax dollars for the Plan Year. Please review this form and sign.
Under a Flexible Benefits Plan you may create flexible spending accounts for your dependent care expenses and health care expenses. The amounts you
elect to contribute to these flex accounts are deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis.
$________ Per Plan Year for Health Flexible Spending Reimbursement.
Maximum Contribution = $5,000 per Plan Year
Maximum Per Pay Period contribution = $192.31 per period (26 total)
I wish to waive participation in Health FSA (Initial Box)
$________ Per Plan Year for Dependent Care Expense Reimbursement.
Maximum Contribution = $5,000 per Plan Year
Maximum Per Pay Period contribution = $192.31 per period (26 total)
I wish to waive participation in DCAP (Initial Box)
I understand that:
Maximum salary reduction amounts may not exceed 50% of employee's compensation.
The election concerning Section 125 Plan participation and the benefits elected, if any, will remain in effect and cannot be revoked and changed
during the plan year. The only exception is that you may change your election on account of and consistent with a change of family status (e.g.
marriage, divorce, death of a spouse or child, birth or adoption of a child, change of employment status of spouse). Health Care expense
reimbursement participation may not be changed and may only be terminated on account of termination of my employment. For special rules
affecting your plan, please contact your employer.
The selection of an insurance benefit and the indication that a premium is to be paid does not necessarily include me in the insurance portions of this
program. The premium for the contract selected may be adjusted by the insurance company issuing the contract, and, in most instances, an
application for insurance must also be completed. Should the premium for the contract selected be adjusted by the company, my income will be
reduced or increased as necessary to pay the premium under the terms of Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan.
If I do not use all of the money contributed to the Health FSA and DCAP, I will forfeit those funds.
I have read the information above and authorize my employer to deduct from my pay the pre-tax contributions required by my benefit elections.
Signature: _______________________________________________________
Date __________________________
Premiums for insurance coverage will be deducted from your pay before Federal, State, and Social Security Taxes are withheld, unless you elect here to
make after-tax premium payments. NOTE: You cannot participate in any of the reimbursement accounts if you elect to make after-tax payments.
I have read the information above and elect to have my benefits deducted from my pay after-tax
Signature: _______________________________________________________
Date __________________________
To be filled in by Human Resources
Contribution per pay period:
# of pay periods remaining _______
$ ________ Health FSA
Effective Date: ________________
$ ________ DCAP


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