Entry Form
Mail this completed form, along with the artwork, to one of the addresses below. Important: Entry form MUST be submitted with artwork to be eligible.
Australia: BSBF Art Contest, Colgate Oral Care, 345 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
New Zealand: Colgate Oral Care, PO Box 12-246, Penrose 1642, New Zealand
StudENt NAmE
School NAmE
StudENt AddrESS
School AddrESS
School telephone number (include area code): (
PArENt/guArdiAN NAmE
tEAchEr’S NAmE
Home telephone number (include area code): (
Teacher’s email:
StudENt’S AgE
StudENt’S clASS yEAr
PriNciPAl’S NAmE
Please note: Neither Colgate-Palmolive nor any of its promotion and/or fulfillment agencies
assisting Colgate-Palmolive with the Global Art Contest will use the information provided herein
hEAlth coordiNAtor (iF APProPriAtE)
in any manner other than as described herein.
Parent’s Agreement:
On behalf of the above listed child, I agree to Colgate-Palmolive Company’s use of his/her attached
art for advertising, publicity, or display including print, video, or electronic/computer means.
I understand that the attached art will become sole property of Colgate and will not be returned.
If my child should win, I agree to submit a photograph of my child to Colgate-Palmolive Company
PArENt/guArdiAN SigNAturE
within 10 days of notification along with a completed “Winner’s Biographical Information Form.”
I understand that this photograph, along with brief biographical information from the “Winner’s
Biographical Information Form,” may be used on the Global Calendar for international distribution
and/or for advertising, publicity, or display including print, video, or electronic/computer means.
This certificate is awarded to
for participation in the 2013