Title No.________________
State of New York
County of ______________) SS.:___________________________, being duly sworn,
deposes and says: That (he/she) is the (husband) (wife) (child) of
____________________ deceased, who acquired title to premises in ________________
County, New York, described as follows:
That said ___________________________________________ died a resident of the
County of _____________ State of New York, on the ____ day of ___________, 20___,
Seized of said premises, (testate) (interstate, and no proceedings were had in the estate),
leaving (his/her) surviving as (his/her) only lawful distributes, the following named
That said decedent left (his/her) surviving no husband or wife, no child or children
(legitimate or illegitimate), no adopted child or children, no descendants of any deceased
child or children, no descendants of any deceased adopted child or children, no father or
mother, no brothers or sisters, no issue of any deceased brothers or sisters, no
grandparents, no uncle, no aunt, and no issue of a deceased uncle or aunt other than those
named above.
That all of the persons above named are of full age, except:
That all of the persons above named are of sound mind, except:
That said deceased in (his/her) lifetime was a citizen of the United States or a subject of
This affidavit is made to induce Stewart Title Insurance Company to issue its policy of
title insurance covering the above premises knowing that it relies upon the truth hereof.
Sworn to before me this ____ day of ____________ 20____