Data 2
Representing and Interpreting Data
Collect, organise and represent data using pictograms, single and multiple bar
charts and simple pie charts.
Read and interpret pictograms, single and multiple bar charts and pie charts.
Compile and use simple data sets.
Explore and calculate averages of simple data sets.
Use data sets to solve problems.
Collecting, organising and representing data using pictograms, block graphs,
bar charts and bar line graphs.
Incorporating scales of 1:2, 1:5, 1:10 and 1:100 on graphs.
Reading and interpreting bar line graphs and simple pie charts.
Using data sets to solve and complete practical tasks and problems.
1. Applying and problem-solving:
Applying the concept of representing data using pie charts in
a variety of different contexts, selecting and applying suitable representation forms to different
data types.
2. Communicating and expressing:
Discussing and explaining the processes used and the results
obtained through selecting, collecting and applying various data representation forms in a variety
of different contexts, listening to and discussing other children’s mathematical descriptions and
explanations with regards to collecting, selecting and representing data.
3. Integrating and connecting:
Recognising mathematics in the environment, representing
mathematical ideas and processes diagrammatically.
4. Reasoning:
Making informal deductions based on collected and represented data, justifying the
processes used and results obtained by selecting particular data representation forms.
5. Implementing:
Executing the standard procedures for constructing various graph types.
Squared paper, compasses, rulers, examples of pie charts, protractors
Bar chart, vertical bar chart, horizontal bar chart, multiple bar chart, title, scale
interval, vertical axis, horizontal axis, pie chart, tally sheet, average, fraction,
percentage, degree