Register In Chancery
Register in Chancery
Register in Chancery
Kent County
New Castle County
Sussex County
38 The Green
500 North King Street, Suite 1551
34 The Circle
Dover, DE 19901
Wilmington, DE 19801
Georgetown, DE 19947
FAX 302-735-2155
FAX 302-255-2213
FAX 302-856-5778
The following is what will be needed to process the petition to transfer funds at majority:
1. The completed forms with signature(s) of both the guardian(s) and minor(s) notarized. (If
appearing in person with identification, the signature of both the guardian(s) and the minor(s)
may be witnessed by one of our clerks.)
2. A copy of the minor’s birth certificate. **
3. A copy of the bank statement(s) ** dated within 30 days prior to filing of the petition.
4. Fifteen (15) dollars in the form of a check or money order made payable to “Register in
Chancery”, or cash is acceptable if appearing in person.
**Please make sure that any documents you provide are copies that the court may keep, as it is an
additional $1.50 per page if we have to copy any documents for you.
You may mail these items to us, and indicate if you wish us to mail the signed order back to you or if
you will come in to pick it up. Please note: the petition cannot be granted before the eighteenth (18)
birthday of the minor. The order could be signed the same day (while you wait), but could possibly
take up to a week. Also, if there are any outstanding promissory notes, it is subject to review by a
judge, and will not be granted until that occurs. If you have any questions at all, please do not
hesitate to contact our office at the above number.
Thank you.