Moorfeed Corporation RFQ Form
Please complete the form below providing as much detail as possible. If you have any questions to any
of the items below you can contact us at .
Customer Information
1. Company Name: ________________________________________________________
2. Point of Contact: ___________________________________
3. Address: ___________________________________________
City: ___________________________
State: __________
Zip: _____________
4. Phone: ____________________
5. Fax: ____________________
6. Email: ________________________________________________________________
Part Information
1. Part Name: ____________________________________________________________
2. Are there multiple parts (List all parts with part numbers): ______________
3. Part Material: __________________________________
4. Desired Feed Rate: ___________________
5. Desired Orientation: ____________________________________________________
6. Part Print Available (Please email the part print(s) with your RFQ): ______________
7. Part Samples Available: ______________
Part samples can be mailed to the address at the bottom of this page.
8. CAD Drawing Available (Please email the CAD drawing(s) with your RFQ): ______________
9. Part Condition (Dry, Oily, Powdered, Etc.): __________________________________
(Continued on page 2)
Moorfeed Corporation - A Division of EAS
1445 Brookville Way, Suite R
Indianapolis, IN 46239
|(317) 545-7171 |F: (317) 542-7317