The Universe
Study Guide
1. Define galaxy
A collection of billions of stars held together by gravity
2. List and
* spiral-galaxy with a central core of stars with arms of stars
describe the 3
spiraling out from the center
types of galaxies.
* elliptical—flattened, egg-shaped groups of stars
* irregular—groups of stars that form no specific shape
3. What is the
Milky Way is our galaxy and is spiral-shaped; our solar
name and shape
system is located in one arm 2/3 the way out from the center
of our galaxy?
4. What is a star?
A celestial body made up of hot gasses that gives off energy
because of nuclear fusion
5. How do we
By temperature, size, brightness (luminosity) and color
classify stars?
6. What is a light-
Distance light travels in one year (9.4 trillion km); to make it
year and why do
easier to measure the vast distances in space
we use it?
Use the diagram
at left to answer
Main Sequence Stars
the next 3
7. Which named
star is the hottest?
8. Name the
brightest star on
the diagram.