This is an agreement between the Dogood Organization (Client) and Raisa Lott
Scope of Services: Contractor agrees to provide the following services for Client:
1. Research grant prospects and advise client on which ones to approach and
2. Work with staff to interpret guidelines, and gather material and information
necessary for a strong proposal.
3. Write grant proposals as requested in time to meet deadlines, and prepare the
proposal for submission.
4. Attend meetings necessary to accomplish the required work.
III. Compensation: The Dogood Organization agrees to compensate Contractor at the
rate of $XX.00 per hour. Contractor will keep careful track of hours spent on
Dogood business and submit an itemized invoice on a monthly basis. Billable
hours will include all activities mentioned in II, as well as proposal preparation
and editing, telephone consultations, and travel time to meetings and to deliver
proposal or materials if necessary. (Travel time will be billed only if outside
Seattle, and will be charged at 50% of the usual rate.) Time will be rounded to
the nearest quarter hour. Amount due shall be paid to Contractor within 30 days
of receipt of invoice.
IV. Independent Contractor: Contractor acknowledges that services rendered under
this agreement shall be performed by her as an independent contractor.
Contractor is responsible for the payment of all federal, state and local income
taxes related to her fees for service.
Confidentiality: Both parties agree to adhere to generally accepted confidentiality
practices and to provide each other with their best efforts in fulfillment of this
contract. Contractor agrees not to disclose private information about the
organizaton or its donors. “Private information” does not include information
available in the public domain.
VI. Guarantees: Contractor shall perform all duties requested and agreed to by both
parties and shall submit work in good faith. However, the Contractor does not
imply or promise any guarantee that the grant proposals will be funded. Payment
is due even if Client does not submit proposal or receive a grant.
VII. This contract may be renegotiated or terminated with 14 days’ written notice at the
request of either party.