____________________________________________FINANCIAL DONATIONS AND NAMING POLICY
Purpose: The community's interest in, and support of, the Library is highly valued. Monetary
donations for the purchase of library materials, equipment or furniture are welcome. The naming
policy is to clarify the requirements and procedures to be followed by the Board in order to have
specific rooms, areas, or buildings of the Brooks Public Library named for a person or an
1. Monetary Donations:
Immediate Use Donations
Monetary donations are welcomed by the Library. Tax receipts are issued by
the Library for any amount over $20.00.
Monetary donations can be allocated by the donor to specific areas of the
library collection, to equipment, or to facility enhancement under the direction of the
Head Librarian.
Monetary donations are deemed to include any charges for the acquisitions,
cataloguing, and processing of library items purchased with the donation.
Monetary donations may be made as a part of the Brooks Public Library
Advancement Program (Attachment A). If this is the case an Advancement Program
form (Attachment B) must be filled out. The amount of money donated will determine
the colour of the donor plaque. A donor plaque will then be affixed to the
Advancement Program Donor wall according to current configuration.
Endowment Donations
The Library has an endowment fund held and managed by the Community
Foundation of Southeastern Alberta (CFSEA). Monetary donations to the Library’s
endowment fund can be made through the Library or directly through the CFSEA.
Interest earned by the endowment fund is paid out annually to the Library.
Donors may allocate the interest to specific areas of the library collection, to
equipment or to facility enhancement as determined by the CFSEA guidelines.
Unallocated interest is used at the discretion of the Head Librarian for Library
operations, materials, collection or facility enhancement.
Approved by:______________________
Board Chair
Date Approved: April 12, 2013
Replaces Policy: 2-A-96