Food Drive Sign Up Sheet


Food Drive - Cart Team Entry
Food Drive at the Parade
Sponsored by FM 106.5 WVFM
November 9, 2013
Tis the season for giving! Th e Kalamazoo Holiday Parade, presented
by Maple Hill Auto Group, features a number of events throughout
the day including the parade, aft er parade family activities, and
an opportunity to donate food. Th anks to the generous support
of FM 106.5 WVFM, the food drive will begin at 10:45 a.m. and
run through the beginning of the parade with all nonperishable
food items donated to Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes. If you are an
area high school, student organization, or interested community
family or agency, then sign up to “drive” a food cart. Help collect
nonperishable food items as we join the Kalamazoo Loaves and
Fishes to promote a hunger-free community.
November 9, 2013
Check-in and cart decorating at 10 a.m.
Food drive at 10:45 a.m. to noon
Meijer has donated 15 shopping carts that will be available to groups to decorate and collect the food during the
parade. High schools and interested community agencies are invited to drive the carts. It’s super easy to participate and
takes about 5 people who help to decorate the cart, and then walk the parade route and collect food. We encourage you to
Facebook, Tweet, and cheer your way to a full cart. Encourage your school or organization’s friends to support you. And, we
will promote that you will be there - in full spirit.
In the spirit of fun, there are two rewards/awards that will encourage a little fun, innovation, and creativity. A
winner will be declared for the highest number of carts fi lled as well as the best decorated cart. A
fi lled shopping cart equals about 100 pounds of food.
Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes is a emergency food network that distributes food to hungry people
in Kalamazoo County through food-specifi c programming and services. Unlike other emergency
food agencies in Southwest Michigan, Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes collects and procures food,
distributes it and provides service to hungry people in our community. Kalamazoo Loaves &
Fishes works with local partners to feed hungry people and engage the community in the fi ght to
end hunger.
Food Drive Volunteer Sign-up
Name ___________________________________________________ Day Phone ________________________
Address __________________________________________________ Eve. Phone _______________________
City ________________________ Zip __________ E-mail __________________________________________
School/Organization: ____________________________________________________________
Special Affi liation: ___________________________
Please return to:
Deborah Droppers, Event Consultant
Downtown Kalamazoo, Inc.,
141 E. Michigan Ave, Suite 501 | Kalamazoo, MI 49007
PH: 269.388.2830 FX: 269.388.3083


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