Pure Property Management
Edinburgh LTD
141 Gilmore Place
0131 656 0390
Property Management Agreement
(Name(s) as they appear title deeds)
(Postal Address)
Agree to Pure Property Management Edinburgh Limited, of 141 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh, Eh3 9PW
letting and managing the following property on my behalf and acting as my agent in all matters connected
to the rental of it.
…………………………………………………………………………………………(Address of Rental Property)
Please read the following conditions before signing:
I understand that Pure Property Management will undertake to market and tenant my property on a
sole agency basis.
I give consent to Pure Property Management Edinburgh LTD to sign all Lease Agreements on my
I understand that by signing this document that I am declaring that I am the legal owner and have full
authority to have the property let.
I understand that the property must comply with all laws as set out by the local council and national
I understand that I am required to register as a landlord within the property’s local authority area and
will supply my registration number to Pure Property Management.
I will undertake to ensure that the property is fully insured as a rented property.
I will undertake to get any relevant permissions from any lender with a mortgage or other secured
loan on the property.
I understand that Pure Property Management will take a deposit (usually one months rent) and that
this will be held in line with legislation until the tenant leaves the property. I further agree to use the
Deposit Protection Scheme selected by Pure Property Management.
I understand that my rental income will be transferred to my account within seven working days of it
being received by Pure Property Management.
I understand that my rental income will have a monthly deduction of Pure Property Management’s
fee, as detailed below.
I agree to pay an initial set-up fee as detailed below. (Usually paid on signing this agreement)
I understand that if a tenant is in receipt of Local Housing Allowance and an over payment occurs,
that the local authority may seek to recover the overpayment from the Landlord and/or their agent. If
this occurs I indemnify Pure Property Management from the cost of any such recovery actions. Pure
Property Management charge an additional £125 for the set up of each LHA tenancy.
I understand that if my tax status is or changes to “none resident” that I will inform Pure Property
Management immediately. I understand that Pure Property Management are required by HMRC to
deduct basic rate income tax from all rental receipts. A notice of approval from HMRC authorising us
to pay rent to the non-resident landlord without deducting tax will be required before rental receipts
can be paid without said deduction. I indemnify Pure Property Management from any costs or fines in
relation to HMRC’s None Resident Landlord Scheme.
I understand that a monthly statement of account will be provided on request, either by post or email.
I understand that it is my responsibility as owner of the property to ensure that any maintenance
issues are dealt with as quickly as possible to ensure both Health & Safety and the comfort of the
If a maintenance issue arises and Pure Property Management are unable to contact me, I agree to
them instructing tradesmen to rectify the problem immediately in the event of an emergency (issues