Sample Thirty-Day Notice of Rent Increase
(For tenancies that started prior to 1/1/99)
(tenant(s) in possession)
___________________________________________________, Berkeley _________
(address, unit number)
(ZIP code)
Pursuant to Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board Resolution 12-06, adopted on May 14, 2012, you are hereby
notified that thirty days after serving you with this notice the monthly rent for the premises you now occupy
will be increased for the next twelve months.
The present rent on your unit is $____________________ per month.
Your rent will increase by $4.00 pursuant to Rent Board Resolution 12-06.
Your new rent will be $_____________ per month beginning ___________________. (This date must be at least
30 days after service of the Notice of Rent Increase.) This increase is temporary – it will only be collected for the
next 12 months – and is not included in the unit’s permanent rent ceiling.
The undersigned hereby verifies that the 2012-2013 City of Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board registration fees, as
well as all past fees and penalties, for this property were paid in full prior to service of this notice and a copy of
this notice has been sent to the Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board.
_______________________________________________ _____________________________
Advice concerning this Notice and the rental history of the unit is available from the Rent Stabilization Board
Public Information Unit, 2125 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704, 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday and 12:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, (510) 981-7368.