Instructions to Builders regarding
the Standard Pre-Delivery Inspection Form
Under Builder Bulletin 42 (Revised), the Customer Service Standard issued in July of 2005,
vendors/builders (“builders”) are required to conduct a Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) of all freehold
homes and condominium units with dates of possession (DOP) on or after October 1, 2003. Please
refer to Part B of Builder Bulletin 42 (Revised) for further details.
At the pre-delivery inspection, builders must either complete Tarion’s standard PDI form, or they
may use their own PDI form, provided that it contains, at minimum, all of the information that is
contained in Tarion’s standard PDI Form.
How do I conduct the PDI and use the PDI Form?
1. Begin the inspection at either the highest or lowest point of the home (i.e., attic or basement) and
work systematically from room to room until every area of the home has been inspected. Devote
as much time to inspecting the exterior as the interior, assessing the exterior finishes and the
driveway, walkways, decks and patios, as well as landscaping. Test and demonstrate all of the
home’s features and systems. (As a general rule, the inspection may take up to one hour for every
1,000 square feet.)
2. Note on the PDI Form anything damaged, missing, incomplete or not in good operating
condition. Also note items that cannot be inspected, because for example they are dirty or
3. Be sure to note any “substitutions” of items referred to in, or to be selected under, the Agreement
of Purchase and Sale.
4. Condominium builders should remind purchasers which parts of their unit are covered under the
common elements warranty for the condominium project and, therefore, are not part of the PDI
for their unit. This can include, for example, the heating system and even some of the exterior
items in the unit like the windows. The condominium Board of Directors will complete a separate
PDI for the common elements.
5. Confirm the Date of Possession with the purchaser/designate, and write it on the PDI Form.
6. Sign the completed PDI Form and ensure the purchaser (or the purchaser’s designate) also signs
it. Purchasers who intend to designate someone to conduct the PDI in their place should ensure
they provide written authority allowing the designate to sign the PDI Form on their behalf.