Ph: 09-529-1464
M: 021-159-8850
Property Management Authority
Auckland Rent Management Ltd (the Manager) and
____________________________________________________________(the Owner)
Premises to be managed________________________________________ (the Property)
This Agreement gives the Manager the exclusive right to manage and let the Property referred
starting from_________________________ and monthly thereafter.
The Owner’s undertakings
1. In consideration of the services to be performed by the Manager, the Owner agrees to pay the
Manager the fee as set out in the attached Schedule and such other charges as are specified in this
agreement. The Owner authorizes the Manager to deduct such fees and/or charges from rents or
other moneys collected by the Manager on behalf of the Owner.
2. The Owner acknowledges that, pursuant to this appointment, the Manager will act as if the
Manager was the landlord of the Property and to do all things on the Owner’s behalf necessary to
manage the Property effectively.
3. The Owner warrants that the property has all relevant building and resource consents and
complies with all council requirements as to the building including any town planning requirements,
health and safety requirements and fencing of swimming pool requirements.
4. The Owner warrants that they will ensure that the Property and its contents and chattels are fully
insured at the commencement of the tenancy and shall remain fully insured during the term of the
management authority. The Owner undertakes to advise their insurance company in writing that the
Property is to be let and that the Manager has been appointed to act as Property Manager.
5. The Owner by signing this Agreement warrants that they are the Owner of the Property or has the
full authority of all or any other Owner(s) to enter into this management agreement. The information
supplies by Owner to the Manager in this agreement and the attached Schedule is correct.
Authority of Manager
6. To advertise and let the Property to suitable applicants, on merit after checking their background
and credit worthiness.
7. To prepare and sign on the Owner’s behalf a written tenancy agreement which shall include