Exhibit 3
Memo to Employee Warning of Payroll Deduction
Employee Name
From: Travel Technician
M/S # JA58 - Ext 84019
Subj: Outstanding Travel Expense Claim - Payroll Deduction
Based upon a review of your Travel Expense Claim for a trip to _______________
I find that your advanced amount of $___________ is greater than your actual expenses
($_________), in which case reimbursement to the State is necessary. The amount due is
$_________. As of this date, I have not received the amount past due, and previous
communications with you have not resolved this.
Any amount advanced, for which repayment is due, can be satisfied by cash payment,
check, (payable to CSUF and sent to the Cashiering Office, M/S # JA58, Attention Travel
Technician), or payroll deduction. If the amount past due is not received by __________,
I am directed to collect the amount due by payroll deduction. Note: If your payroll
warrant is an automatic direct deposit, the payroll deduction will stop the direct
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, or if I can assist you in any
way, please call me at my extension above.