Debt To Income Worksheet


Calculating Debt to Income (DTI) Ratios
One of the fundamental steps in the foreclosure intervention counseling process is determining
whether or not a situation will allow a homeowner to retain the home or need to transition to other
In order to retain the home, the housing costs must be affordable and sustainable.
DTI ratios help make that determination.
Ratios can also be a basis for educating the homeowner during budget counseling, especially
when explaining why a situation may be unaffordable and will lead to transition. Ultimately, DTI
ratios help determine the foreclosure intervention tool that is most appropriate for a homeowner.
HAMP uses two debt to income ratios:
1. Monthly Mortgage Payment DTI Ratio (Payment DTI)
2. Total Debt to Income Ratio (Total DTI)
The Payment DTI is also commonly referred to as “the front end ratio”. This ratio expresses the
percentage of the homeowner’s monthly income that is used for the mortgage payment. To
determine the Payment DTI, the homeowner’s gross monthly income is divided by the mortgage
payment. HAMP guidelines consider a 31% payment ratio as an affordable payment and the goal
of the program is to get homeowner mortgage payments as close to 31% as possible without
going below that ratio. (Note- DTI ranges from 25%-42% for Tier 2 expanded DTI.)
Total DTI is commonly known as the back end ratio.
It expresses the percentage of the
homeowner’s monthly income that is used for the mortgage payments and all other debt. The
other debt considered includes the same monthly debt as the housing ratio plus all other monthly
installment debt payments, such as all other mortgage loans, auto, student, and consumer loans;
and all revolving debt, such as credit cards.
To determine the Total Debt DTI, the homeowner’s gross income is divided by the total of the
mortgage debt and all other debt. If a total debt DTI is over 55%, the homeowner is required to
attend counseling with a HUD certified counseling agency.
This “over 55%” counseling is
commonly known as Level 4 counseling and the counseling agency may receive funding for this
counseling through NFMC.
The Debt to Income Worksheet is found on the following page and includes descriptions of what
should be included in each DTI calculation.


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