Floor, Stanley Park Dining Pavilion, PO Box 5167, Vancouver, BC V6B 4B2
P (604) 257-6908 F (604) 257-8378 E info@stanleyparkecology.ca W stanleyparkecology.ca
Photo Contest - Photographer Consent Form
By signing this document, I agree to the following Contest terms:
That the Entrant grants SPES a royalty-free, world-wide, non-exclusive, license to, in whole or in part: use, produce, reproduce, perform,
publish, modify, incorporate into collections, and adapt into derivative works the image(s) submitted by the Entrant to SPES, to help SPES
promote awareness of and respect for the natural world and to assist in the stewardship of Stanley Park through collaborative initiatives in
education, research, and conservation, in any medium. The images submitted will not be sold or distributed in any commercial manner
unless provided for in an additional explicit licensing agreement between the SPES and the Entrant.
The Entrant may revoke this agreement at any time starting 24 months from the date of signature, and such notification must be made in
writing to SPES.
The Entrant warrants that they have not licensed, assigned, or otherwise granted any interest in image(s) submitted to SPES to any other
person or entity, explicitly, implicitly, or by operation of law.
The Entrant warrants that they are not aware of any person or entity, other than the Entrant, who has asserted, may currently be
asserting, or in the future may assert an interest in image(s) submitted by the Entrant to SPES.
The Entrant warrants that they will promptly notify all persons or entities to whom the Entrant may choose to license, assign, or otherwise
grant an interest in image(s) submitted by the Entrant, explicitly, implicitly, or by operation of law of the existence and particulars of this
agreement; and the Entrant will promptly notify SPES in writing of such notification.
That I, the Entrant, understand the rules and regulations of the Contest, and that, should I misrepresent the ownership or licensing rights of
my image(s), or breach the terms of this agreement, I agree to pay the legal costs for, and indemnify SPES for any and all claims that may
be brought against SPES with respect to any and all interests in the image(s) submitted by the Entrant.
Name: ______________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________________________
Signature (if under 19 years old, by parent or guardian): __________________________________
Date: _____________
As a non-profit society, SPES often works through partnerships to achieve many of its programs and initiatives. In certain circumstances
these partners may wish to advertise their involvement in these SPES programs and initiatives by using specific SPES imagery directly
relating to these various programs.
I agree to allow my images to be used by SPES’s partners to demonstrate and promote cooperative initiatives and programs (optional).
Signature (if under 19 years old, by parent or guardian): __________________________________________________
Connecting People with Nature