Take Your Teacher to Work Day
Teacher Evaluation Form
Name________________________________ School_________________________
Business Assignment___________________________________________________
Contact Person ______________________________________Phone_____________
Please answer the following questions.
1. List four work-related activities you observed while shadowing the employee.
a. ___________________________ b. _______________________________
c. ___________________________ d. _______________________________
2. Describe the three most important things you learned from this shadowing experience.
a. ____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________
3. What did you find new and exciting about this career that you were not aware of prior to
the trip?
4. How will you use the information you received through this shadowing experience in
your classroom?
5. How will you share the information you received through this shadowing experience
with your colleagues?
6. Would you recommend this assignment to your colleagues? If not, please explain.
7. Please include any suggestions for improvement.
Please return to: Doug Wagner – School District of Manatee County