Emergent Guided Reading Plan
Strategy Focus:
Day 1
Day 2
1. Sight Word Review
1. Sight Word Review
(dictate 3 words, prompt for noisy writing)
(dictate 3 words, prompt for noisy writing)
2. Reread Book from Day 1
(and other familiar books)
2. Introduction
Optional: Take a running record on one student for 2-3 minutes
Running record student:________
A. Gist
B. Students talk about each page. Teach supports oral language.
C. Introduce new vocabulary
Concepts (Use
Cross Checking
Sight Words (predict
pictures and discuss-
(horse or pony, check
first letter and locate)
ex: path, cabbage)
first letter)
3. Text Reading With Prompting
Check the picture. What would make sense?
Get your mouth ready
Does that make sense/look right?
Could it be ___ or ___?
Show me the word ___ (if stuck on st word)
Check the word with your finger
4. Teaching Points After Reading
4. Teaching Points After Reading
(choose 1 or 2)
(choose 1 or 2)
1:1 matching (discourage pointing at level C (DRA3)
1:1 matching (discourage pointing at level C (DRA 3)
Use picture clues (meaning)
Use picture clues (meaning)
Monitor with known words
Monitor with known words
Get mouth ready for initial sound
Get mouth ready for initial sound
Cross-check picture and first letter
Cross-check picture and first letter
Visual scanning (check word left to right)
Visual scanning (check word left to right)
5. Discussion Prompt (day 1)
5. Discussion Prompt (day 2)
6. Teach One Sight Word
6. Teach Same Sight Word
(use all 4 steps in order)
(use all 4 steps in order)
What’s Missing
What’s Missing
Mix and Fix
Mix and Fix
Table Writing
Table Writing
7. Word Study
7. Guided Writing
(Choose One)
(Dictated Sentence: A: 3-5 words; B: 5-7 words; C: 7-10 words)
Picture Sorts:
Making Words:
Sound Boxes:
Instructions: Type in the green shaded areas as needed. Then print to use when teaching.
Adapted by Nathan Elliott from:
Richardson, J. (2009). The next step in guided reading : focused assessments and targeted lessons for helping every student become a better reader. New York: Scholastic Inc.