Personal Training Contract Template For Tc Fitness Boot Camp/circuit


Personal Training Contract for TC Fitness Boot Camp/Circuit
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
E-mail address:
Emergency Contact Name and Phone:
I hereby agree to accept and be legally bound by the Personal Training Contract.
By initialing this document, I attest, contract, acknowledge, and agree that I am
legally bound by its content.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY (Please Read Carefully)
I have enrolled in a program of strenuous physical activity including, but not
limited to walking, running, boxing, yoga, aerobics, massage therapy, weight
lifting, bicycling and the use of various conditioning and exercise equipment and
facilities designed, offered, recommended, and/or supervised by Natasha
Anderson Emery and TC Fitness. I hereby affirm that I am in good physical
condition and do not suffer from any disability that would prevent or limit my
participation in this program.
In consideration of my participation in the program, I for myself, my employees,
heirs, assigns, agents, officers, directors, shareholders and co-workers hereby
release Natasha Anderson Emery and TC Fitness, its employees, heirs, assigns,
agents, officers, directors, and shareholders, from any and all claims, demands,
or causes of action arising from my participation in the program or from any use
of the conditioning and exercise equipment and facilities.
I fully understand that I may suffer injury as a result of my participation in the
program and I hereby release Natasha Anderson Emery and TC Fitness from any
and all liability now or in the future, including but not limited to medical
expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, that may occur by reason of heart
attacks, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat
prostration, knee/lower back/foot injuries, and any other illness, soreness, or
injury, however caused, whether occurring during or after my participation in the
program or use of the conditioning and exercise equipment and facilities,
regardless of fault. I understand that we will be outside in all types of weather
and that I am responsible for dressing appropriately and using sunscreen and
bug spray.
By initialing this document, I attest, contract, acknowledge, and agree that I am
legally bound by its content.


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