Number System
Recognise and understand whole number and decimal number place value of 6 digit numbers and to two decimal places,
mental and written strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Pupils must be able to multiply and
divide whole and decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
We will also cover multiples and factors, long multiplication, word problems using the RUCSAC method, negative
numbers, rounding and estimating. There is also an increasing emphasis on the link between fractions, decimal numbers
and percentages. Pupils must know half, quarter, three quarters, tenth, fifth and a third as a fraction, decimal and
Shape, Space and Measure
Using and applying different units of measurement, properties of 2D and 3D shapes, co-ordinates, reflection and
translation of shapes on grids, perimeter, area and volume of shapes and ratio.
Data Handling
Pupils must be able to interpret and construct a variety of graphs and charts including line and conversion graphs, bar and
pie charts.
A close look at the properties of everyday materials and their suitability for particular uses. Pupils will have the
opportunity to work scientifically; planning and carrying out fair tests to answer questions about how and why certain
materials are selected and used because of their properties.
An in-depth study of The Vikings will include examining who the Viking were, where they came from and what made them
so successful. Pupils will use primary and secondary sources of evidence about transport, warriors, settlements, trade
and mythology, art and culture.
In Geography the focus is on Marvellous Maps; using an atlas and compass, grid references and map symbols. Pupils will
have the opportunity to plan routes and use maps to chart changes over time. Global locational knowledge will also be
TRIP: Jorvik Viking Centre – Wednesday 2
March (9.00am – 6.45pm)
Skills in manipulating and glazing clay to make bee hives will start the term followed by an in-depth study of Viking shields
culminating in pupils designing, making and painting their own Viking shield. Pupils will also study Aboriginal Art examining
the meaning behind the symbols used and how these are used to create ‘dreamings’ and stories. Pupils will enjoy creating
their own Aboriginal art pieces.
Digital Learning
This term will focus on E-Safety leading up to ‘Safer Internet Day’ later in the term.
Pupils will be studying the poem ‘The Listener’ by Charles de la Mer and bringing to life ‘sense’ words through sound
collage, alliteration, physical theatre, movement and mime.
Aspects of finance such as spending, saving and donating will start the term followed by a study of different cultures
and lifestyles around the world and specific local community action. Pupils will look at recent news events, how the UK
is governed and also a focus on Christianity Bible stories.
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL):
Pupils will study French this term focussing on introductions and greetings,
numbers, sports and famous sports people, school subjects, opinions, time and French culture at Easter.
Song cycles will be studied through the theme of ‘Journeys’ along with a close look at developments in music
through the theme ‘Growth’.