Third Quarter Book Report
Second Grade
For this book report, you will create a book jacket that tells about the book you have read. You will use a
two pocket with three prongs folder. You will need to follow the directions below to complete the jacket
and be ready to turn it in Friday, March 15, 2013.
Your child will need to find and begin reading a fictional chapter book for their third quarter book report.
The book should have a minimum of 50 pages and be on their independent reading level. Each student must
have their book approved by their teacher no later than Friday, February 15, 2013.
How to Make the Folder Book Jacket:
Front Cover:
Design a cover for your book jacket that includes a title of the book, author’s name, the illustrator’s name,
any awards the book has won, and a detailed, colorful drawing. PLEASE DO NOT COPY A PICTURE
FROM YOUR BOOK OR INTERNET! This must be your own hand-drawn artwork.
Inside Left Cover:
As you read the book, look up at least 5 words whose meaning you do not know. List these words in
alphabetical order, along with their definitions and write them in a complete sentence.
Inside Prongs:
Write a three-paragraph summary of the book that describes the beginning, middle, and end. Each paragraph
should have at least three complete sentences but no more than 8 complete sentences. (Remember, a
summary gives just the main ideas of the story.) The summary is to be written on notebook paper and in
your best and neatest cursive writing.
Inside Right Cover:
Draw a picture of the author of your book. Write three complete sentences in your best and neatest cursive
writing about him/her.
Back Cover:
On the back cover of the folder, glue a photo of yourself or draw a self-portrait. Underneath your picture,
write a one-paragraph autobiography titled “About the Reader”. Remember, you will be writing about you,
NOT the author of the book. Consider the following when writing your autobiography:
•important dates
•where you live
Please note: If needed, you may use white or light colored paper for the Front and Back Covers. Also, feel
free to use lined notebook paper when writing the inside covers and the autobiography. The paper must be
securely attached to the folder with adhesive. Remember…neatness is VERY important!
EXTRA CREDIT: If your child would like to earn 5 points of extra credit, please turn the completed book
report in BY MARCH 8