Scientific Notation


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Scienti c Notation
Example: 1
Example: 2
Write 4.32215 × 10 in standard notation.
Write 3.7 × 10 in standard notation.
Here the exponent is 5. We should move the
Here the exponent is -6. We should move the
decimal point 5 places to the right.
decimal point 6 places to the left.
4 . 3 2 2 1 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 . 7
4.32215 × 10 =
3.7 × 10
432, 215
Express each number in standard notation.
1) 4.62 × 10
2) 1.2561 × 10
3) 9.082 × 10
4) 5.4 × 10
5) 3.5624 × 10
6) 7.5005 × 10
7) 1.28 × 10
8) 2.119 × 10
9) 8.0025 × 10
10) 3.1 × 10
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