Scientific Notation


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Scienti c Notation
Example: 1
Example: 2
Write 324, 170 in scienti c notation.
Write 0.0000032 in scienti c notation.
3 2 4 1 7 0 .
0 . 0 0 0 0 0 3 2
We should move the decimal point 5 places to
We should move the decimal point 6 places to
the left. So, the exponent will be 5.
the right. So, the exponent will be -6.
× 10
3.2 × 10
324, 170 =
0.0000032 =
Express each number in scienti c notation.
1) 0.000037
2) 5, 725, 000, 000
3) 0.00000004259
4) 100, 020
5) 0.000000000000081
6) 785, 120, 000
7) 0.00000956
8) 20, 000, 000, 000
9) 0.000000001256
10) 2, 915, 000
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