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Case No.
Petition for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Petition and Motion for Injunction Hearing
[Mark any of the following boxes that apply.]
[Kos rau cov npov nram qab no uas hais yog.]
1. Issue a temporary restraining order requiring the respondent to
Ua ib daim ntawv xaaj tiv thaiv ib ntus yuam kom tus neeg raug foob no los mus
a. cease or avoid harassing the petitioner.
tseg los sis zam tsis txhob thab ua phem rau tus neeg ua ntawv foob.
b. avoid the petitioner’s residence and/or any premises temporarily occupied by the petitioner.
zam tsis txhob mus ze tus neeg ua ntawv foob qhov chaw nyob thiab/los sis ib qho chaw so twg uas
tus neeg ua ntawv foob nyob mus ib ntus.
Contact includes: contact at petitioner’s
c. avoid contact that harasses or intimidates the petitioner.
home, work, school, public places, in person, by phone, in writing, by electronic
communication or device, or in any other manner.
zam tsis txhob mus cuag los sis thab ua phem thiab hawv kom tus neeg ua ntawv foob ntshai.
sib cuag muaj xws li: mus cuag tus neeg ua ntawv foob ntawm nws tsev, chaw ua hauj lwm,
chaw kawm ntawv, qhov chaw uas pej xeem neeg nyob tau, tim ntsej tim muag, xa ntawv, siv
khoom fais fab xa ntawv, los sis lwm txoj kev siv kom mus cuag tau.
d. refrain from removing, hiding, damaging, harming, or mistreating, or disposing of, a household pet.
tso tseg tsis txhob muab tus aub hauv tsev (household pet) tshem tawm, muab zais, ua kom puas tsuaj,
ua kom raug mob, los yog muab tshem mus rau lwm qhov.
e. allow the petitioner or a family member or household member of the petitioner acting on his/her
behalf to retrieve a household pet.
pub rau tus neeg ua ntawv foob los yog ib tus neeg hauv tsev neeg ntawm tus neeg ua ntawv foob
los mus ua hauj lwm sawv nws cev mus coj tus aub los rau nws.
f. avoid contacting the petitioner or causing any person other than a party's attorney or law
enforcement officer to contact the petitioner.
zam tsis txhob mus cuag tus neeg ua ntawv foob los yog ua rau lwm tus uas tsis yog kws lij choj los
yog tub ceev xwm tuaj cuag tus neeg ua ntawv foob.
g. Other:
[List other specific behavior the petitioner wants the respondent to stop doing.]
Lwm yam:
[Teev cov yeeb yam uas tus neeg ua ntawv foob xav kom tus neeg raug foob tso tseg txhob ua ntxiv lawm.]
2. Set a time for a hearing on the petition for an injunction requiring the respondent to
Teem ib lub sij hawm rau lub rooj sib hais muab kev txwv kom tus neeg raug foob yuav tsum
a. cease or avoid harassing the petitioner.
tseg los sis zam tsis txhob thab ua phem rau tus neeg ua ntawv foob.
b. avoid the petitioner’s residence and/or any premises temporarily occupied by the petitioner.
zam tsis txhob mus ze tus neeg ua ntawv foob qhov chaw nyob thiab/los sis ib qho chaw so twg uas tus
neeg ua ntawv foob nyob mus ib ntus.
Contact includes: contact at petitioner’s home,
c. avoid contact that harasses or intimidates the petitioner.
work, school, public places, in person, by phone, in writing, by electronic communication or device, or
in any other manner.
zam tsis txhob mus cuag los sis thab ua phem thiab hawv kom tus neeg ua ntawv foob tau ntshai.
sib cuag muaj xws li: mus cuag tus neeg ua ntawv foob ntawm nws lub tsev, chaw ua hauj lwm, chaw
kawm ntawv, qhov chaw uas pej xeem neeg nyob tau, tim ntsej tim muag, xa ntawv, siv khoom fais fab
xa ntawv, los sis lwm txoj kev siv kom mus cuag tau.
d. refrain from removing, hiding, damaging, harming, or mistreating, or disposing of, a household pet.
tso tseg tsis txhob muab tus aub hauv tsev (household pet) tshem tawm, muab zais, ua kom puas tsuaj,
ua kom raug mob, los yog muab tshem mus rau lwm qhov.
e. allow the petitioner or a family member or household member of the petitioner acting on his/her behalf to
retrieve a household pet.
pub rau tus neeg ua ntawv foob los yog ib tus neeg hauv tsev neeg ntawm tus neeg ua ntawv foob los
mus ua hauj lwm sawv nws cev mus coj tus aub los rau nws.
CV-405, 05/16 Petition for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Petition and Motion for Injunction Hearing (Harassment) §§48.25(6) and 813.125, Wisconsin Statutes
Hmong 07/16
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