Form Cv-405 - Petition For Temporary Restraining Order And/or Petition And Motion For Injunction Hearing Page 4


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Case No.
Petition for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Petition and Motion for Injunction Hearing
f. avoid contacting the petitioner or causing any person other than a party's attorney or law enforcement
officer to contact the petitioner.
txwv tsis pub cuag tus neeg ua ntawv foob los yog ua rau lwm tus uas tsis yog kws lij choj los yog tub
ceev xwm kom cuag tau tus neeg ua ntawv foob.
g. Other:
[List other specific behavior the petitioner wants the respondent to stop doing.]
Lwm yam:
[Teev cov yeeb yam uas tus neeg ua ntawv foob xav kom tus neeg raug foob tso tseg txhob ua ntxiv lawm.]
3. If the temporary restraining order is denied, the petitioner asks the court to schedule an injunction hearing.
Yog hais tias tsis kam lees ua daim ntawv xaaj tiv thaiv mus ib ntus, tus neeg ua ntawv foob thov kom lub tsev
hais plaub teem muaj ib lub rooj sib hais muab kev txwv rau qhov no.
If the temporary restraining order is denied, the petitioner is only entitled to an injunction hearing if the petition alleges
conduct that is the same as or similar to conduct that is prohibited under §940.32 (stalking); or is the intentional infliction
of physical pain, physical injury or illness; or is an intentional impairment of physical condition; or is a violation of
§940.225(1), (2) or (3) (sexual assault); or is a violation of §943.01 involving destruction of property that belongs to the
individual; or is a threat to engage in the above mentioned behavior.
Yog hais tias tsis kam lees ua daim ntawv xaaj tiv thaiv mus ib ntus, tus neeg ua ntawv foob tsuas muaj cai tau ib lub
rooj sib hais muab kev txwv xwb yog hais tias tsab ntawv foob iab liam tus yeeb yam tau ua ntawd yeej yog tib qho los
sis zoo xws li cov yeeb yam uas raug txwv tsis pub ua hauv tsab cai §940.32 [nyas soj]; los sis qhov txhob txwm ua kom
raug mob rau lub cev, kom muaj mob los sis tau kab mob; los sis txhob txwm ua kom lub cev raug puas tsuaj; los sis
yuam tsab cai §940.225(1), (2) or (3) [ua dev ua npua]; los sis yuam tsab cai §943.01 ua kev puas tsuaj rau khoom vaj
khoom tsev uas yog tus neeg no li; los sis tso hem thawj tias yuav ua cov yeeb yam tau hais los saum toj no.
4. Issue an injunction against the respondent for four years or the following shorter period:
Ua ib daim ntawv txwv tawm tsam tus neeg raug foob li ntawm plaub xyoos los sis sij hawm luv zog li ntawm no:
Order the wireless telephone service provider to transfer to the petitioner each telephone number(s)
he/she or a minor child in his/her custody uses. The provider will transfer to the petitioner all financial
responsibility for and right to the use of any telephone number(s) transferred. (See form CV-437,
Wireless Telephone Service Transfer Order in Injunction Case.)
Ua ntawv xaaj kom lub tuam txhab uas muab cov xov tooj tuav ntawm tes xa rau tus neeg ua ntawv
foob txhua tus (cov) xov tooj uas nws los yog ib tus me nyuam tsis tau muaj hnub nyoog uas nws muaj
cai saib xyuas siv. Lub tuam txhab yuav xa tas nrho lub luag hauj lwm them nyiaj thiab txoj cai siv lub
(cov) xov tooj rau tus neeg ua ntawv foob. (Saib daim foos CV-437, Wireless Telephone Service
Transfer Order in Injunction Case.)
5. Order the injunction, which is in effect for not more than 10 years, if the court finds a substantial risk the
respondent may commit 1
or 2
degree intentional homicide, or 1
, 2
or 3
degree sexual assault against
the petitioner.
Ua ntawv xaaj qhov kev txwv, uas siv tau mus tsis pub tshaj 10 xyoo, yog lub tsev hais plaub pom tau tias yeej
muaj tau teeb meem txaus uas tus neeg raug foob tau ua qhov 1
los yog 2
degree txhob txwm tua neeg, los
yog qhov 1
, 2
los yog 3
degree yuam cai deev tus ua ntawv foob.
6. If the court grants the injunction, the petitioner requests the court
Yog tsev hais plaub pom zoo muab qhov kev txwv, tus neeg ua ntawv foob thov kom lub tsev hais plaub
1. not order the respondent to surrender his/her firearm(s). OR
tsis txhob xaaj kom tus neeg raug foob nyoo muab nws rab (cov) phom; LOS SIS
2. order the respondent to surrender and not possess a firearm while the injunction is in effect
because the petitioner believes that the respondent may use a firearm to cause physical harm to
another or endanger public safety.
xaaj kom tus neeg raug foob nyoo muab thiab txwv tsis pub muaj ib rab phom thaum tseem muaj
qhov kev txwv vim hais tias tus neeg ua ntawv foob ntseeg tias tus neeg raug foob no tej zaum
yuav siv ib rab phom tsim kev phom sij rau lwm tus los yog tsoom neeg sawv daws txoj kev nyob
kaj huv.
7. Direct the sheriff to accompany the petitioner and assist in placing the petitioner in physical possession of
his/her residence, if requested.
CV-405, 05/16 Petition for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Petition and Motion for Injunction Hearing (Harassment) §§48.25(6) and 813.125, Wisconsin Statutes
Hmong 07/16
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
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