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Case No.
Petition for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Petition and Motion for Injunction Hearing
Qhia kom tub ceev xwm coj tus neeg ua daim ntawv foob no thiab pab kom mus txog vaj txog tsev, yog
hais tias thov txog.
Before the injunction hearing, it is the petitioner’s responsibility to contact the sheriff’s office or
other process server to verify that the documents were served and proof of service is filed with
the Clerk of Circuit Court. The court will not do this for the petitioner. If available in your county,
another way to verify if the documents were served is to register with VPO (VINE Protective
Order) on its website at
Ua ntej lub rooj sab laj muab kev txwv, nws yog lub luag hauj lwm ntawm tus neeg ua ntawv
foob los hu rau tub ceev xwm qhov chaw ua hauj lwm los yog tus neeg uas tsis yog ua hauj
lwm rau tsoom fwv mus xyuas kom paub tseeb tias tau nqa cov ntaub ntawv mus rau tus neeg
raug foob lawm tiag thiab muaj ntawv pov thawj tias tau muab qhov no rau Tsev Hais Plaub
Tus Neeg Khaws Ntaub Ntawv. Lub tsev hais plaub yuav tsis ua qhov hauj lwm no rau tus
neeg ua ntawv foob. Yog muaj nyob hauv koj lub county, lwm txoj kev los mus xyuas kom paub
tseeb tias tau muab cov ntawv xa mus rau tus neeg raug foob lawm tiag yog mus sau npe rau
VPO (VINE Protective Order) hauv nws lub website ntawm
If the respondent cannot be personally served with the Temporary Restraining Order and
Notice of Injunction Hearing: Harassment (CV-406) form, the respondent can be served by
publication using Publication Notice form (CV-505).
Yog hais tias muab tsis tau cov ntaub ntawv daim foos Temporary Restraining Order and
Notice of Injunction Hearing: Harassment (CV-406) xa mus rau tus neeg raug foob, yuav siv
tau daim foos Publication Notice (CV-505).
The petitioner/ must file with the court an affidavit stating that service of the respondent by
the sheriff or a private process server was unsuccessful because the respondent was
avoiding service by concealment or otherwise. The petitioner/person to be protected should
get this affidavit from the sheriff or private process server.
Tus neeg ua ntawv foob yuav tsum ua ib daim ntawv mus rau tsev hais plaub hais tias kev
xa ntawv rau tus neeg raug foob los ntawm tub ceev xwm los yog lwm tus uas tsis yog ua
hauj lwm rau tsoom fwv ua tsis tau hauj lwm vim tus neeg raug foob tau nrhiav kev zam tsis
txais kev xa ntaub ntawv uas muab zais tsis pub leej twg paub los yog lwm yam. Tus neeg
ua ntawv foob/tus neeg yuav tsum tau txais kev tiv thaiv mus muab kom tau daim ntawv no
los ntawm tub ceev xwm los yog lwm tus uas tsis yog neeg ua hauj lwm rau tsoom fwv.
The petitioner also must send the Temporary Restraining Order and Notice of Injunction
Hearing: Domestic Abuse (CV-403) form to the respondent via mail or facsimile and must
provide proof of transmission (e.g. certified mail receipt, affidavit of mailing or faxing). The
mailing or sending of a facsimile may be omitted if the post-office address or facsimile
number cannot be ascertained with due diligence.
Tus neeg ua ntawv foob kuj tseem xa tau daim foos Temporary Restraining Order and
Notice of Injunction Hearing Domestic Abuse (CV-403) mus rau tus neeg raug foob uas yog
siv tsev xa ntawv xa mus los yog fax mus thiab yuav tsum muaj ntawv pov thawj tias tau xa
lawm (piv txwv, tw ntawv tau txais los ntawm tsev xa ntawv tias tau xa lawm, los yog ntawv
pov thawj pom tias tau muab fax mus lawm). Kev xa ntawv los yog xa fax kuj yuav mus tsis
txog yog hais tias tsis ua tib zoo ceev faj xyuas qhov chaw nyob xa ntawv los yog tus fax naj
npawb kom yog.
The clerk of circuit court shall forward the temporary restraining order to the sheriff and the sheriff
shall assist the petitioner in serving the temporary restraining order.
Tus neeg tuav ntaub ntawv ntawm tsev hais plaub yuav tsum xa daim ntawv xaaj tiv thaiv mus ib
ntus mus rau tub ceev xwm thiab tub ceev xwm yuav tsum pab tus neeg ua ntawv foob xa daim
ntawv xaaj tiv thaiv ib ntus mus.
CV-405, 05/16 Petition for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Petition and Motion for Injunction Hearing (Harassment) §§48.25(6) and 813.125, Wisconsin Statutes
Hmong 07/16
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
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