University Student Apartments
Extended Stay Application Form
Residents may have overnight visitors a maximum of fourteen (14) days cumulative during any twelve (12)
month period without prior written approval from Student Apartments.
Written approval is required from Student Apartments for visitors staying longer than fourteen (14) days.
Applications must be submitted to the Main Office at least fourteen (14) days prior to their arrival. The
Extended Stay Application is found at Applications will be
considered on a case-by-case basis. The maximum number of occupants cannot exceed the policy outlined in
Maximum Occupants per Apartment section
of the Resident Handbook.
A fee of $100 per month will be charged to the resident’s rental account for extended stay visitors.
Approval of a visitor does not waive any requirement of the Rental Agreement or convert the status of any
visitor into a resident.
Name of Resident_____________________________________________
Apartment Number_______________
☐ University Village
One Bedroom
Medical Plaza
Two Bedroom
Fort Douglas
Three Bedroom
Number of occupants currently living in apartment ___________
Information on visitor(s) you are requesting permission to stay:
Full name of visitor(s) _____________________________________________________
Relationship of visitor(s) to resident __________________________________________
Reason for extended visit___________________________________________________
Arrival Date______________________________________________________________
Departure Date___________________________________________________________
Resident Signature
For Office Use Only
Date _____________
☐Y ☐ N
Copy to RA
Emergency Card
Fee Charged
Copy to Resident
Lock Out Card
☐ AMS 4 & 8 screen
☐ Excel sheet
Revised 11/2015