Evaluation Essay Page 5


own reading or reviews, add what you consider additional important questions
to consider.
a. What subject matter, issue, theme, or topic source does this film
b. What is the main story line and source of conflict?
c. What are the place setting and time period?
d. Are the characters believable? Sympathetic? Heroic? Villainous? Do we
learn enough about them?
e. Who are the major characters? What actors portray them?
f. Is the acting style exaggerated, realistic or understated? Is it uneven?
Does it do justice to the characters?
g. Are the actors appropriate to their film roles?
h. How does this film portray or distort real life?
i. What values does the film communicate, challenge or ignore?
j. What tone (attitude) does the film take toward its subject? Is it tragic?
Comic? Satiric? Romantic?
k. Is the film entertainment or propaganda?
l. Is the film true to historical facts and truth?
m. How does the film handle emotion? Is it sentimental or sincere?
n. What elements unify the film?
o. Is the film well paced? Are there tedious parts that seem to detract from
its purpose? How could it be better edited?
p. How do all of the images of the film communicate mood? Does one mood
q. Are any images repeated enough and in a specific context that they seem
to be used as symbols?
r. How does color (or black and white) enhance the film?
s. How are light and shadow (shading) used effectively?
t. How does the camera work (panorama, tracking shots, zooms, close-ups)
produce specific effects?
u. Why is this film worth seeing?
v. How is this film similar to or different from other films like it?
w. How would you rate this film? Excellent? Very good? Good? Fair? Poor?
x. y. z.
(add your own questions)


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