Registration Deadlines
Voter Registration Information
The Department of Health (including
the Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Your properly completed voter registration
form must be postmarked or received by the
You are qualified to register to vote in Ohio if
The Department of Mental Health,
30th day before the election in which you
you meet all the following requirements:
The Department of Developmental
wish to vote. If the voter registration deadline
falls on a day when offices of the Secretary
1. You are a citizen of the United States.
of State and county board of elections are
The Rehabilitation Services Commission,
2. You will be at least 18 years old on or
closed, the deadline is extended to the
before the next general election.
succeeding business day when the office is
Any state-assisted college or university
3. You will be a resident of Ohio for at least
that provides assistance to disabled
30 days immediately before the election in
which you want to vote.
Notice to All Voters
Any county treasurer’s office;
4. You are not incarcerated (in jail or prison)
Voters must bring identification to the polls
for a felony conviction under the laws of
Any public high school or vocational
in order to verify identity. Identification may
Ohio, another state or the United States.
school; or
include current and valid photo identification,
5. You have not been declared incompetent
Any public library.
a military identification, or a copy of a current
for voting purposes by a probate court.
(within the last 12 months) utility bill, bank
If you are updating your current Ohio voter
6. You have not been permanently denied
statement, government check, paycheck,
registration and returning your completed
the right to vote for violations of the
or other government document, other than
change of name and/or address form by U.S.
election laws.
a notice of an election or a voter registration
Mail, you must send it to your county board
notification sent by a board of elections,
of elections or the Secretary of State’s Office.
You are eligible to vote in elections in your
that shows the voter’s name and current
Most registered voters in the state are also able
voting precinct held at least 30 days after you
address. Voters who do not provide one of
to update their addresses online at
are registered to vote in Ohio.
these documents will still be able to vote by
providing the last four digits of the voter’s
Submitting Your
Social Security number and by casting a
Voter Registration Form
Returning someone else’s form:
provisional ballot pursuant to R.C. 3505.181.
Anyone entrusted to return a completed voter
Returning your own form:
registration form on behalf of another person
You may return your completed voter
must return the completed form to a board
registration form in person or by U.S. Mail to
of elections or to the office of the Secretary
any of the following public offices:
of State. Forms must be returned the earlier
of 1) within 10 days after the registration form
Any county board of elections;
is completed, or 2) by the voter registration
The Ohio Secretary of State’s office;
deadline before an election if the registration
BMV or Deputy Registrars;
form has been signed more than 24 hours
Office of designated agencies, including:
before the registration deadline for the next
upcoming election in the voter’s precinct.
The Department of Job and Family
Notice from County Board of Elections
Within 20 business days after receiving your properly completed voter registration form, your county
board of elections must register you to vote and promptly notify you by mail of your precinct,
polling location and the identification requirements for voting.