Plot Outlining Template Page 4


Abigail walks over and picks up the guitar Boris was just looking at. “Look—
it matches your shirt perfectly. You have to get it.”
“Yeah. Sounds like a plan.” Boris face is slowly turning a color that also
matches his shirt.
Abigail doesn’t seem to notice. “So guess what?” she asks.
“Nothing," Boris stammers. "I mean, I’m great!...I mean, what?”
Abigail laughs. “My band is trying out for So You Think You Can Rock? this
“Wow, you’re so cool.” Boris says by mistake. “I mean, that is so cool. What
is your band called?”
“Crude Medicine,” Abigail says, looking a little nervous herself. “I'm glad I
ran into you. I’ve heard you’re a pretty awesome lead guitarist and our guy is
M.I.A. We're starting to freak out.”
She pauses, looks around the store, and then her eyes lock on Boris'. “If he
doesn't show, would you fill in for the tryout?”
“Wow. . .” A bead of sweat runs down Boris’ forehead.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’!” Abigail hugs Boris, catching him totally off guard.
“I’ll be at your place at 8 AM sharp Saturday morning. Make sure you know
the guitar solo in this song by then.” Abigail hands Boris a burned CD and runs
out the door.
If an inciting incident never happened, Boris would more than likely continue to eat outdated
breakfast pastries and play guitar alone in his bedroom. This might sound like a pretty fun
life to live, but it's not a very fun life to read about.
Rising Action
Climbing the big hill
This will be the longest section of your novel. You will develop your characters, deepen their
relationships with one another, and carefully pace all the important things that happen to
them before the climax. Think of the rising action as the biggest hill on the rollercoaster—the
higher you go, the more suspenseful it gets. The rising action is made up of many events,
each of them building to the most exciting part of your story: the climax.


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